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Complete List of Past Board Members


Fox, Jane
Franklin, Joseph Amos (Secretary-Treasurer)
Long, Newell H.
Lusk, Harold F.
Sauvain, Harry C. (President)


Christenson, Cornelia
Fox, Jane
Franklin, Joseph A. (Secretary-Treasurer)
Rich, Claude T.
Sauvain, Harry C. (President)


Wentworth, W. Norris
Laws, Bert
Noyes, Russell
Rich, Claude T. (President)
Robinson, Aline (Secretary-Treasurer)


Crawford, Mary M.
Laws, Bert H.
Robinson, Aline H. (Secretary-Treasurer)
Walden, R.E. (President)
Wentworth, W. Norris


Biddle, Dona
Butcher, Joseph O.
Carlson, Reynold E.
Jordan, Harold W. (Secretary-Treasurer)
Walden, Robert E. (President)


Biddle, Dona
Butcher, Joseph O. (President)
Jordan, Harold (Secretary-Treasurer)
Bookwalter, Carolyn
Carmack, Marvin
Rash, J. Keogh


Rash, J. Keoghn (President)
Carmack, Marvin
Bookwalter, Carolyn
Winther, Mary (Secretary)
Wahl, Henry
Noyes, Vernice (Treasurer)


Wahl, Henry E. (President)
Clark, Donald (Vice President)
Noyes, Vernice (Secretary)
Winther, Mary (Treasurer)
Vitaliano, Charles
Sheviak, Margaret


Clark, Donald (President)
Sheviak, Margaret (Secretary)
Pennington, Wayne (Vice President)
Crowell, Sears
Long, Eleanor
Vitaliano, Charles

1984-1985 [This is in part a guess based on terms of office]

Pennington, Wayne (President)
Crowell, Sears
Long, Eleanor
Franklin, Beatrice (Secretary-Treasurer)
Eberle, August W. (Vice President)
Baker, Helen


Eberle, August W. (President)
Baker, Helen
Franklin, Beatrice (Secretary-Treasurer)
Campaign, Ernest
Fox, Jane
Kaslow, Christian


Barker, Mrs. Morris
Eberle, August W.
Franklin, Beatrice
Campaign, Ernest
Fox, Jane
Kaslow, Christian
Bannerman, LeRoy
Seward, Doris
Wikelund, Phil


Campaign, Ernest (President)
Bannerman, LeRoy
Fox, Jane
Kaslow, Christian
Billyeald, Jane
Hofstetter, Henry
Smith, Ruth
Seward, Doris
Savage, Virginia
Wikelund, Phil


Bannerman, LeRoy (President)
Smith, Ruth (Treasurer)
Seward, Doris
Billyeald, Jane
Hofstetter, Henry
Raber, Dottie
Ray, Jack
Savage, Virginia
Smith, Ruth
Wikelund, Phil


Hofstetter, Henry (President)
Auer, Jeffrey (President Elect)
Meglemre, Tom (Treasurer)
Raber, Dottie (Secretary)
Ray, Jack
Savage, Virginia (Newswatch editor)
Billyeald, Jane
Collins, Dottie
Carlson, Reynold E.
Smith, Ruth


Auer, J. Jeffrey (President)
Collins, Dorothy C. (Vice President)
Porter, John (Secretary)
Meglemre, Tom (Treasurer)
Carlson, Reynold E.
Gaber, Esther
Knote, Margaret
Raber, Dottie
Ray, Jack N.
Woodard, Georgia (Newswatch editor - not a board member)


Collins, Dorothy C. (President)
Burton, Robert (Vice President)
Porter, John H. (Secretary)
Meglemre, Thomas C. (Treasurer)
Auer, J. Jeffrey
Carlson, Reynold E.
Frey, Mary Jane
Gaber, Esther
Knote, Margaret H.
Woodard, Georgia (Newswatch editor - not a board member)


Burton, Robert E. (President)
Wilbern, York (Vice President)
Meglemre, Thomas (Treasurer)
Petranoff, Robert (Secretary)
Chesmore, Ruth
Gaber, Esther
Pfister, Richard
Porter, John
Frey, Mary Jane
Woodard, Georgia (Newswatch editor - not a board member)


Willbern, York (President)
McQuigg, Bruce (Vice President)
Pfister, Richard (Treasurer)
Petranoff, Robert (Secretary)
Burton, Robert (Past President)
Chesmore, Ruth
Gibbons, Helen
Faris, Gene
Meglemre, Tom
Woodard, Georgia (Newswatch editor - not a board member)


McQuigg, Bruce (President)
Gibbons, Helen E. (Vice President)
Hall, Dale J. (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Pfister, Richard (Treasurer)
Chesmore, Ruth
Faris, Gene
Higgins, Smith
Petranoff, Robert
Richmond, Betty
Wilbern, York (Past President)


Gibbons, Helen (President)
Weigand, James E. (Vice President)
McQuigg, Bruce (Past President)
Hall, Dale J. (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Deutsch, Wanda (Treasurer)
Ahlhauser, John
Chesmore, Ruth
Faris, Gene
Richmond, Betty


Weigand, James E. (President)
Ahlhauser, John (Vice President)
Deutsch, Wanda (Treasurer)
Gibbons, Helen (Past President)
Brinemen, Doris (Cookie Lady)
Kroll, William (Secretary)
Hall, Dale (Newswatch editor)
Siffin, Cathy
Walters, William


Ahlhauser, John (President)
Kroll, William (Vice President)
Weigand, J.E. (Past President)
Siffin, Catherine (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Cooper, Richard (Treasurer)
Brineman, Doris
Walters, William
Hattin, Don
Hall, Dale (directory publisher - not a board member)


Kroll, William (President)
Brineman, Doris (Vice President)
Siffin, Catherine (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Cooper, Richard (Treasurer)
Ahlhauser, John (Past President)
Ewers, Pegge
Gaber, George
Michael, Keith
Walters, William
Hall, Dale (directory publisher - not a board member)


Faris, Gene (President)
Moldstad, John (Vice President)
Ewers, Pegge (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Cooper, Richard (Treasurer)
Kroll, William
Gaber, George
Hattin, Don
Matsuda, Shizue
Michael, Keith
Siffin, Catherine
Hall, Dale (directory publisher - not a board member)


Moldstad, John (President)
Ewers, Pegge (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Martin, Wain (Treasurer)
Faris, Gene (Past President)
Matsuda, Shizue (Hospitality chair)
Bell, Sam
Gaber, George
Martin, Nancy
Michael, Keith
Hall, Dale (directory publisher - not a board member)


Matsuda, Shizue (President)
Bell, Sam (Vice President)
Moldstad, John (Past President)
Dodd, Robert (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Martin, Wain (Treasurer)
Pugh, Shirley (Hospitality chair)
Heiser, Charles
Martin, Nancy
Faris, Gene
Hall, Dale (directory publisher not a board member)


Bell, Sam (President)
McIntosh, Jerry (Vice President)
Matsuda, Shizue (Past President)
Dodd, Robert (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Martin, Wain (Treasurer)
Pugh, Shirley (Hospitality chair)
Pfister, Harriet
Chase, Clint
Martin, Nancy
Mulholland, Pat
Hall, Dale (directory publisher - not a board member)


McIntosh, Jerry (President)
Kroll, Kate (Vice President)
Bell, Sam (Past President)
Dodd, Robert (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Pfister, Harriet (Treasurer)
Mulholland, Pat (Hospitality co-chair)
Rose, Mary (Hospitality co-chair)
Pugh, Shirley
Chase, Clint
Jensen, Ron
Hall, Dale (directory publisher – not a board member)


Kroll, Kate (President)
Jensen, Ron (Vice President)
McIntosh, Jerry (Past President)
Granbois, Judy (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Pfister, Harriet (Treasurer)
Mulholland, Pat (Hospitality co-chair)
Rose, Mary (Hospitality co-chair)
Jones, Ted
Lotz, Art
Hall, Dale (directory publisher and database manager – not a board member)


Jensen, Ron (President)
Jones, Ted (Vice President and Program chair)
Kroll, Kate (Past President)
Granbois, Judy (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Lotz, Art (Treasurer)
Rose, Mary (Hospitality chair)
Hall, Dale (directory publisher and database manager – not a board member)
Moir, Lou
Priest, Bob
White, Nancy


Jones, Ted (President)
Ensman, Bob (Vice President and Program chair)
Jensen, Ron (Past President)
Granbois, Judy (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Lotz, Art (Treasurer)
Rose, Mary (Hospitality chair)
Hall, Dale (directory publisher and database manager – not a board member)
Belisle, Marge
Moir, Lou
Weaver, Don
White, Nancy


Ensman, Bob (President)
Churchill, Sandra (Vice President)
Jones, Ted (Past President)
Schroeder, Judy (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Weaver, Don (Treasurer)
White, Nancy (Program chair)
Moir, Lou (Hospitality chair)
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager – not a board member)
Belisle, Marge
Dawson, Jim
Priest, Bob


Ensman, Bob (President)
Churchill, Sandra (Vice President and Program committee co-chair)
Schroeder, Judy (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Weaver, Don (Treasurer)
Harrell, John (Hospitality co-chair)
Schellhammer, Eileen (Hospitality co-chair)
Burton, Doris (Membership chair)
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager – not a board member)
Belisle, Marge
Talbot, Sue


Churchill, Sandra (President)
Kennedy, Jim (Vice President)
Schroeder, Judy (Secretary and Newswatch editor)
Burton, Doris (Treasurer)
Dever, Dick (Membership chair)
Harrell, John (Hospitality co-chair with Marge Belisle)
Mabert, Vince
Schellhammer, Eileen (Program chair)
Talbot, Sue
Ensman, Bob (Past President)
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager — not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)


Kennedy, Jim (President)
Kiesling, Iris (Vice President)
Burton, Doris (Treasurer)
Churchill, Sandy
Craig, Wayne
Dever, Dick
Harrell, John
Mabert, Vince
Schellhammer, Eileen
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager — not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)
Owen, Suzann (webmaster - not a board member)


Kiesling, Iris (President)
McKaig, Dick (Vice President, Program Co-chair)
Schellhammer, Jim (Secretary)
Pugh, Shirley (Treasurer)
Craig, Wayne (Program Co-chair)
Dever, Dick (Membership committee)
Kennedy, Jim (Past president) Mabert, Vince
Pfister, Harriet (Hospitality committee)
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager — not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)
Owen, Suzann (webmaster - not a board member)
Schroeder, Judith (newsletter editor - not a board member)


Kiesling, Iris (President)
McKaig, Dick (Vice President, Program Committee)
Schellhammer, Jim (Secretary)
Pugh, Shirley (Treasurer)
Kennedy, Jim (Past President)
Craig, Wayne
Curts, Joan
Hobson, John
Pfister, Harriet (Hospitality Committee) Weaver, Don
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager — not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)
Owen, Suzann (webmaster - not a board member)
Schroeder, Judith (newsletter editor - not a board member)


McKaig, Richard (President)
Hobson, John (Vice President>
Daron, Jo (Secretary)
Granbois, Don (Treasurer)
Kiesling, Iris (Past President)
Curts, Joan
Fox, Bob
Pfisher, Harriet
Schellhammer, Jim
Weaver, Don
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager — not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)
Owen, Suzann (webmaster- not a board member)
Schroeder, Judith (newsletter editor - not a board member)


Hobson, John (President)
Bowen, JoAnne
Daron, Jo
Granbois, Don (Treasurer)
Curts, Joan
Phillips, Suzanne
Stokes, Carol
Wailes, Martha
Weaver, Don
Marker, Gerald (directory publisher and database manager — not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)
Owen, Suzann (webmaster - not a board member)
Schroeder, Judith (newsletter editor - not a board member)


Jo Daron (President)
Bowen, Joanne
Curts, Joan (Vice President)
Granbois, Don (Treasurer)
Hobson, John (Past President)
Phillips, Suzanne
Porter, Doug
Stokes, Carol
Wailes, Martha
Wittenburg, Doris (database manager - not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)
Owen, Suzann (webmaster - not a board member)
Schroeder, Judith (newsletter editor - not a board member)


Wittenburg, Doris (database manager - not a board member)
Dodd, Bob (historian — not a board member)
Owen, Suzann (webmaster - not a board member)
Schroeder, Judith (newsletter editor - not a board member)


Elected (or Appointed Replacement) Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members


Elected (or Appointed Replacement) Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members


Elected (or Appointed Replacement) Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members


Elected (or Appointed Replacement) Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members


Elected (or Appointed Replacement) Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members


Elected (or Appointed Replacement) Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members


Elected (or Appointed Replacement) Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members


Elected Board Members Ex officio Non-Voting, Appointed Members